Attendees: 31


Meeting was called to order at 7 pm.  Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mark Tierney, followed by a Moment of Silence for our departed neighbors.


Vice-President Dave Muccino was absent because of knee surgery.


 Community Relations Officer Matt Lemos did not have the prior month’s crime numbers but reported that several cars were rummaged through and one car had all the wheels removed. He again reminded everyone to be sure to lock cars and not to leave valuables in your vehicles. Also be conscious of clearing snow from fire hydrants and sidewalks during storms.


Alderwoman Stephanie Cummings reported that the teachers’ contract was approved, the HAS will save city approximately $5 million. Discussions regarding East End needs to either expand Wendell Cross or build another school. Possible locations 1. Near Hamilton Park, off Windy Drive, near Pine Grove Cemetery or somewhere on East Main Street. Chase School is also overcrowded.


There is a book available detailing the new plan for downtown Waterbury.


Also reminded neighbors to purchase a protection plan for water and sewer lines in case of major repairs, water is about $70 for 3 years, sewer is $109/year.


Special guest speaker State Representative Selim Noujaim was introduced. He advised that the laws are changing regarding executive members of neighborhood community associations. All resolutions on behalf of the association need to be approved by the President of the group.


Rep. Noujaim also indicated that there was a proposal in the past to open up streets leading to the industrial park on Reidville Drive, it was not approved. If it comes up again it would have to be presented to at least Planning,  Zoning Board, Board of Alderman, & possibly Zoning Board of Appeals so there would be many opportunities to oppose its approval.


Senator Joan Hartley was introduced to speak. She indicated that the ribbon was cut for the Rectory Building near Palace Theater. First floor will be a Starbucks Coffee Shop, second, third & further floors will be used for UCONN classes.


In the Spring, or sooner, work will begin on the train station, change parking area, landscaping, old ticket station will be remodeled with kiosks for newspapers, etc. No new staff needed, Parking Authority will man the area. Also working on parallel train tracks.


In response to questions, Sen. Hartley acknowledged that the pull out of state by G.E. will definitely affect the state and small businesses that were servicing GE and its employees. Goal is to offer more incentives for business to come to CT and stay in CT.


Car taxes being reduced over next three to four years may be a problem since that was supposed to be subsidized by the state. In the new budget, city lost $5 million.


Lorraine Mills, Bouley Manor Association was introduced, she passed out flyers for benefit pasta dinner on 2/29/16, all proceeds used to restore the Hobart Welton Carriage Shed.


Secretary’s Report: Minutes are available on website. Motion by Sally McGovern, 2nd by Bill Paternoster to accept December 16, 2015 minutes.


Treasurer’s Report:

12/17/15 to 1/20/16

Opening Balance: $ 7315.79

Income:                       250.00                  

Expenses:                    115.00     

Closing Balance:  $ 7401.29


Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report by Donna Burns, 2nd by Cathy Filippone.  


Committee Reports:

City Liaison Officer: Mike Ptak – Advised that there may be a request to change the zoning behind properties located on Split Rock Drive from residential to commercial, overlooking Reidville. The City Planning Department has not received any application, there were just comments submitted to the Plan of Conservation and Development and that any changes for development of substantial size would need a zone change, wetlands permit, etc. and at least two alternatives for emergency egress.


Waterbury Development Corp., Mike Guisto – no report


Harry Northrop Grant – working to get the grant application online


Neighborhood Watch Commander – reminder to lock cars


Old Business: none


New Business: Motion by Bill Paternoster to donate $500.00 to Our Lady of Lebanon Church, 2nd by Mike Ptak. Also, there will be a Communion Breakfast at the church on 1/31/16 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.


Upcoming Events:


February 17th – Ginger Manning from DOT I84 Project

March 16th – Alderwoman Stephanie Cummings – Wills & Estate Planning


Nominating Committee to elect President & Secretary, terms end in June.


Next month hospitality is Nancy Ptak and Donna Burns


Motion by   to adjourn by Bill Burns, 2nd by Bob McGovern.


Respectfully submitted,




Noella Mott, Secretary