OCTOBER 18, 2018


Attendees:  38

Meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm which began with the Pledge of Allegiance and followed by a Moment of Silence for our departed neighbors.


Guest Speaker:  Juanita Taylor, Social Worker from Dept. of Children and Families (DCF) was introduced by Hon. Tom Brunnock.

·         Juanita encouraged people to report any issues of neglect and abuse to her or the unit assigned to this.  Reports can remain anonymous.

·         There are three shifts and reports can be called in at any time.  Assessments for abuse and neglect and safety risks such as substance abuse will go out within 24-72 hours.  If there is a true emergency, call 911

·         Caroline workers can be reached after 7:00 pm at 1-800-842-2288.

·         There are many units within DCF.  One of these units is for abuse and neglect issues and another is for foster care.  She encouraged people to consider foster care.


Alderman George Noujaim reported:

·         There are still issues of speeding on East Mountain Rd. and a speed detector will be installed.  Please report any issues of speeding to him and he will forward that information on.


Community Relations Officer Charles Carangelo reported:

·         A car was left unlocked and a gun was stolen from the car.  He encouraged everyone to lock their cars.

·         He encouraged everyone to report any complaints of speeding, litter, blight, panhandling, etc.


State Representative Stephanie Cummings reported:

·         There is legislation proposed that repeat juvenile offenders will be referred to adult court after three offenses.

·         There has been a 12% increase of car thefts by juvenile offenders.


Secretary Dory St. John Reported:

·         The minutes for the September meeting are posted on the EMNA website.  A brief summary of the September minutes was read.

·         Minutes for today’s meeting will be posted on the EMNA website.

·         There was no correspondence to report.

·         Five families have moved into the East Mountain neighborhood:  Brackenridge Dr., Butternut Ridge Rd., Pineridge Rd., and two on Bateswood Rd.


Treasurer Colin Coburn reported:

·         Current report for September 1 through September 30 was presented at the meeting and will be on file.  If anyone would like any further information regarding the Treasurer’s Report please contact him.

·         170 Newsletters were mailed and so far 20% of our membership has signed up.

·         Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report:  Greg St. John, 2nd Tom Brunnock.


Neighborhood Watch Commander, Bob McGovern:

·         Nothing to report at this time.


Community Property Project Hon. Tom Brunnock reported:

·         The City has not filed any new motions.  There is nothing to report at this time.


Old Business:

·         Art Denze from the Waterbury Neighborhood Council has put out a request for other neighborhood associations to join.  There was a motion to table this for now since there were so few members present.  Motion to table:  Tim Conway, 2nd Larry Davino.  Motion carried.

·         There will be a Dinner on October 25th at the Ponte Club.  Tickets are $25.00.  Rep. Stephanie Cummings will be one of the honorees.


New Business:

·         Larry Davino tests all of the Christmas tree lights and they are very old and corroded.  He would like to invest in 35-40 sets of LED lights which would run $8-$10 per set.  Motion to accept:  Larry Davino, 2nd. Greg St. John.  Motion carried.

·         East Mountain Golf Course is asking for donations of non-perishables and will have a box there to collect these donations.

·         Because it is so close to Thanksgiving, the next EMNA Meeting will be held on November 14th.


Motion to adjourn:  Tim Conway, 2nd. Larry Davino.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.


Submitted by Dory St. John