Attendees: 62



Meeting was called to order at 7 pm. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Robert Perigard, President followed by a Moment of Silence for our departed neighbors.


Officer Matt Lemos advised that their office has moved from 240 Bank St ito at 70 Pine Street.  The past month was relatively quiet. Complaints of quads at Bateswood Road are being forwarded to Corporation Counsel. Out of state plates that seem suspicious should be reported to MTS, Municipal Tax Services, online with plate number and the address where the vehicle is seen.


Alderwoman Stephanie Cummings indicated that Crosby has a new football field and track, can now hold CIAC tournaments which should bring more revenue to local businesses.


Panel has been formed for Wendell Cross expansion, question on EMNA member with a child in the school.


Speeding problem near the park was discussed, possibly blinking lights or speed bumps could be installed. Very dangerous for pedestrians during ball games or functions at the park.


City Planning agenda for last meeting was incorrect and meeting was cancelled. Rescheduled for 10/12 at 5:30. Zoning meeting is 10/26/16 regarding the parcel of land behind BJ’s on Reidville Drive that needs emergency exit through neighborhood streets, important that everyone opposed to change approval attend and be heard.


Secretary report from previous meeting is online.


Larry Davino reported he sent welcome letters to 11 new neighbors and a get well card to Mary Ellen Quicquaro.



Treasurer’s Report:


Opening Balance: $  5,816.25

Income:                      2,085.00                                    

Expenses:                   3,199.67

Closing Balance:  $  4,701.58


Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report by Bob Perigard , 2nd by Tom Brunnock .


City Liaison Office – Mike Pitak – Gathering at Library Park September 24, 2016 Saturday


Waterbury Development – Mike Guisto – nothing to report


Neighbor Watch - Bob McGovern – quiet month, one car stolen on Rockledge Drive.


Honorable Tom Brunnock  -  spoke about zone change behind BJ’s, hearing on 10/26 7 pm. Please try to attend and voice opposition. If approved probably minimum of two years of blasting. Thank you to Stephanie Cummings, one of two aldermen that voted against at Board of Alderman meeting.


Old Business:  


Two movies in the park were held in August, juice packs were donated by Patrick Moore, Vice President of Webster Bank branch.


Please sign up for hospitality for upcoming meetings, at least three per meeting.


Flags – pleases report any issues to Bill Grossberndt


New Business:


Paver blocks on flag on dam are starting to pop up, need volunteers with expertise and knowledge on how to remedy.


Memorial Circle blocks are sold out and no longer available. There are similar ones available. Motion by Nancy Ptak to purchase 20 blocks at $4.00/each, 2nd by Cecile Pettit.


Colin Coburn will have information put on website regarding motion sensor for cars with receiver in home, uses 9 volt battery, cannot be by-passed like car alarms, approximate cost is $100.00


Upcoming Events: Guest speaker for October 19th is Prospect Mayor Bob Chatfield


Special thank you to all who helped with the annual newsletter, great job.


Updated scrapbooks were available after the meeting.

Motion to adjourn by Bob Perigard, 2nd by Dave Muccino.



Respectfully submitted,



Noella Mott, Secretary