JUNE 19, 2019



Attendees:  37

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm which began with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Bob Perigard and followed by a Moment of Silence for our departed neighbors.


Officer Charles Carangelo reported on several incidents that occurred in the East Mountain and East End areas which included several robberies at various businesses, several domestic instances, a house fire, a home invasion, a suicide, a gun found in an Enterprise rental, etc.



Representative Stephanie Cummings reported:

·         The Legislative Session came to a close on June 5, 2019.

·         There was no vote on highway tolls.

·         Family Leave was voted on with ˝ of 1% being funded by payroll deductions.  If an employer has only one employee that employee will still be eligible for family leave.

·         Minimum wage was increased to $15 per hour.  Anyone under the age of 18 will get 85% of the minimum wage.

·         The legalization of marijuana did not pass.

·         There will be an increase in the penalty for dealers of fentanyl.

·         Two bridges are being named after Tom Conway on Hamilton Ave. and Sam Beamon on West Main St.

·         There will be a 1% tax on prepared food, beverages at restaurants, and safety apparel.

·         There will be a .10 cent tax on plastic bags.

·         There will be an increase in entities tax on small businesses.



Alderman George Noujaim reported:

·         City budget was approved with no increases in the mill rate.

·         The cleanup at East Mountain Park went extremely well.  The ballfields will also be expanded.

·         Street cleanup will be complete within the next two weeks.

·         Wendell Cross ground breaking will take place on October 1st.  It will take 2-3 years to complete.  Only 20% of the original building will remain.  There will be three classes each of Pre-K through 8.  There will be improvements made to the driveway.  He wasn’t sure if there will be an additional entrance on Hamilton Avenue at this point in time.

·         He encouraged residents to call in any blight.  Trash bins left after three days on the street will be considered blight and may incur a fine.

·         There is a new app called the neighbors app connected to doorbell cameras that can be integrated with the city.


Secretary Dory St. John reported:

·         A brief summary of last month’s minutes were read and are posted on the EMNA website.  This month’s minutes will also be posted on the EMNA website.

·         There was no correspondence to report.

·         One new neighbor moved into the East Mountain neighborhood on Piping Rock Drive.



Treasurer Colin Coburn reported:

·         Current report for May was presented at the meeting and will be on file.  If anyone would like additional information regarding the Treasurer’s Report please contact him.



City Liaison Mike Ptak, Neighborhood Watch Commander Bob McGovern, and Community Property Project Tom Brunnock were absent.  There were no reports.



Old Business:

·         Flags were installed before Memorial Day.

·         FD Community Shredding Event sponsored by Stephanie Cummings went very well.  Many non-perishable food items were donated which will go to the Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministry.  There will be another event next year.

·         Aldermen and volunteers were thanked for their efforts in the East Mountain Park clean up.



New Business:

·         The Movie in the Park event has had low attendance in the past few years and will be put on hold and addressed again next year.

·         We need volunteers to sign up for the EMNA Newsletter which will come out in September.

·         New mulch will be delivered for the East Mountain Park and we will need volunteers to spread the mulch.  Dates will be posted on line.



Motion to adjourn Bill Grossberndt.  2nd Larry Davino.  Motion carries.  Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.


A Pot Luck Supper followed the meeting.


Submitted by

Dory St. John