East Mountain Neighborhood Association, Waterbury, CT 06706

Web:             http://www.EastmountainCT.com










as Amended 12/7/2013








Section 1:  The name of the organization shall be the East Mountain Neighborhood Association referred herein as EMNA.

Section 2:  The principal office of the EMNA shall be within the established boundaries of the Association.

Section 3:  The fiscal year of the EMNA shall begin on July 1st and end on June 30th.

Section 4   The purpose of the EMNA shall be to unite neighbors, provide a friendly social environment, encourage community service activities, create a non-partisan civic voice and improve the neighborhood quality of life.





Section 1:  To unite neighbors through communications, neighborhood activities and monthly meetings.

Section 2:  To create social activities through the Association.

Section 3:  To offer assistance to neighbors and our greater community in times of need.

Section 4:  To voice concerns and requests via voting membership to the local and state government.

Section 5:  To foster neighborhood support and involvement, the Association welcomes all races, creeds and religions into it membership.  The Association is non-partisan in nature and achieves its goals with members who may belong to any legally recognized political party.  The Association shall not endorse any political candidates; although any member may do so as long as they do not imply support by the EMNA.





Section 1:  Membership shall include:

A.   Elected officers such as the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

B.   Appointed Committees

C.   The Executive Board shall also include all past officers in good standing, a Correspondence Secretary and a Membership Chairperson appointed by the Executive Board but shall not have voting rights.





Section 1:  Defined as dues paying members living within the

boundaries who attend meetings and actively support the

objectives of the Association as stated in Article II Section 1.

The boundaries of the East Mountain neighborhood are

defined as follows:

Intersection of Pearl Lake Road and Harpers Ferry Road, Southerly to the Prospect town line (via Prospect Road, Route 69), Westerly along the Prospect town line to Peach Orchard Road, Northerly along Peach Orchard Road and East Mountain Road including the streets and roads connecting Prospect Road, Peach Orchard Road and East Mountain Road to Pearl Lake Road.


East Mountain includes all the connecting streets and roads which lie within the boundaries of Article IV; Section 1.


The Executive Board shall maintain a list which contains the specific names of all streets and roads located within the stated boundaries.  See Attachment A.


Section 2:  Membership in good standing is established through a minimum attendance of at least four regularly monthly meetings per year, paying dues, supporting the objectives of the Association and by providing a current e-mail address if the member has one for all correspondence.


A minimum attendance of at least two regular monthly meetings per year, participation in at least one committee per year, paying dues, supporting the objectives of the Association and by providing a current e-mail address, if the member has one, for all correspondence.  Attendance at meetings for voting rights shall be determined by members signing in on a sign in sheet for any regularly monthly scheduled meeting or special meeting.


Section 3:  Members in good standing:

A.   Shall have voting rights with regard to all EMNA business.  Voting rights are up to two votes per membership form with voting members being at least eighteen (18) years of age.

B.      Individuals and business owners not residing within the boundaries of East Mountain may pay dues and articipate in events but may not have any voting rights.

C.      Business owners and other entities having a valid address within the East Mountain boundaries are entitled to the same voting rights as regular members.  However, said business owners or other entities must provide the name of their two representatives to the Association at the beginning of each year.


Section 4: Any member whose conduct is deemed by the Executive Board to be detrimental to the best interests of the Association may be suspended or expelled by the Executive Board.  Said member shall be notified and have the right to appear before the Executive Board and show cause why he/she should not be suspended or expelled.  If after one month the notification is ignored, the expulsion is final.



Section 1:  The President shall appoint a nomination committee at the March meeting.

Section 2:  Nomination of Officers shall take place at the April meeting and election of officers will take place at the May meeting.

Section 3:  Members in good standing shall have voting rights with regard to all EMNA business including election of officers.

Section 4:  Elected officers shall hold office for a two-year term.  The term shall commence the first day of July following their election or the first day of the month following any duly authorized special election.

Section 5:  Any members in good standing are eligible to run for office.

Section 6:  Any Officer may run for office every two years during the regular election.  Elected officers shall complete current elected term before running for any other elected office.  Individuals may run for one office per election.

Section 7:  In the event a vacancy of an elected officer occurs, Robert’s Rules of Order will govern.

Section 8:  A publicly elected official shall not be eligible to run or hold office within the Association.





Section 1:  Meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of every month between September and June or at the availability of the meeting location.

Section 2:  Five (5) voting members including one officer shall constitute a quorum for voting at any membership meeting.  Less than a quorum however may only vote to adjourn.  No vote may be conducted without a quorum except for the before mentioned adjournment.

Section 3:  Any member may request a special meeting of the EMNA through the Executive Board.  The Executive Board will officially call a special meeting if deemed necessary.

Section 4:  Meetings of a Special Committee may be called by it’s Chairperson at any time.

Section 5:  Attendance:

A.   All members are expected to make every effort to attend monthly meetings as the success of the Association rests upon an active, involved membership.

B.   Executive Board members must attend at least (but not limited to) six meetings per year.  Excessive absences of an Executive Board member may result in relief of their responsibilities.

C.   Executive Board members are required to notify at least one other officer in advance of a meeting if unable to attend.

Section 6: All meetings shall be governed under Robert’s Rules of Order unless otherwise specified in these by-laws.




Section 1:  The President shall perform the following:

A.   Preside at monthly meetings of the EMNA and all meetings of the Executive Board.

B.   Appoint all necessary committees to carry on the work of the Association.  The President may also be a member of said committees.

C.   Authorize the approval of purchases pertaining to the Association that is less than or equal to the amount of $100.00.

D.  Authorize the approval of purchases pertaining to the Association that is greater than $100.00 but less than $200.00 with the majority vote of the Executive Board.

E.   Purchases greater than $200.00 must be approved at the next meeting by the majority of those present and voting.

Section 2:  The Vice-President shall perform the following:

A.   Perform such duties as may be assigned by the President.

B.   Perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.

Section 3:  The Secretary shall perform the following:

A.   Perform such duties as may be assigned by the President.

B.   Keep an accurate record of the proceedings at all monthly meetings and all meetings of the Executive Board.

C.   Have custody of all records, contracts, documents, books, papers and correspondence of the Association, except those records in charge of the Treasurer

D.  Perform the duties of the President, in the absence of the President and Vice President.

Section 4:  The Treasurer shall perform the following:

A.   Perform such duties as may be assigned by the president.

B.   Have charge of all funds and securities of the Association.

C.   Keep an accurate account of all cash receipts and disbursements and a petty cash fund of $100.00.

D.  Report, in detail, the financial condition of the Association at each meeting of the EMNA.

E.   Perform such duties of the President, in the absence of the President, Vice-President and Secretary.

F.   The Treasurer’s account shall be audited bi-annually at the end of the Treasurers term by an auditing committee appointed by the Executive Board.

Section 5   The Corresponding Secretary shall perform the following:

Perform such duties as may be assigned by the President.

A.   Send out welcome letters to new neighbors. Send out condolences letters to members or family members who have passed away.  Send out congratulation letters for members or family members who have newborns.  Send out get well card to those members or family members who are recuperating from an illness.

B.  These duties will only be effective with the membership notifying the Corresponding Secretary of any relative news.

Section 6: The Membership Chairperson shall perform the following:

A.   Perform such duties as may be assigned by the President.

B.   Maintain an accurate list of all current members.

C.   Maintain and have present at each meeting an accurate list of all members who are eligible to vote.

D.  Maintain the copies of the monthly sign in sheets to determine voting eligibility.

Section 7:   The Executive Board:

Duties and powers of the Executive Board shall include:

1.   Oversee and uphold the policies of the Association

2.   Monitor and make decisions regarding the membership rights as stated in Article IV, Section 1 through 4.

3.   Take notice of and act upon infractions of the by-laws.

Section 8:   Authority and form of signature:

A.   Authorization for expending money must have the approval of the President, Executive Board and/or voting membership as stated in Article VII; Section 1c  through 1e.

B.   The Treasurer or any other officer (President, Vice President or Secretary) shall be able to sign checks, drafts, money orders or withdrawals from any EMNA account for payment of money.


Section 9: Fails to perform:

Any elected officer who fails to perform their appointed duties shall be notified and have the right to appear before the remaining Executive Board and show cause why he/she should not be relieved of their duties.  If after one month the notification is ignored the Officer is relieved of their duties.

Section 10: No compensation shall be received by any of the aforementioned positions.





Section 1:  The President shall appoint committees when needed as stated in Article VII; Section 1b.

Section 2:  The Association shall maintain a website to post Association meeting minutes, news of important issues before the Association, upcoming events such as fundraisers or other events sponsored by the Association.

Section 3:  Access to maintain the web site shall be granted to two or more individuals for web site maintenance by the Executive Board.





Section 1:  These by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the voting membership present at any legal meeting of the Association.  Written notice of the changes must be provided at least ten days prior to a legal meeting stating the substance of the proposed amendments and shall be mailed or e-mailed to eligible voting members.





Section 1:  Dissolution of the EMNA shall be resolved at a regular monthly or special meeting by a majority vote of those members in attendance.  Written notice or e-mail to eligible voting members of dissolution must be provided to all members at least ten (10) days before a legal meeting stating that the dissolution is planned at that meeting.


Section 2:  Upon dissolution of the EMNA, all funds of the Treasury shall be divided equally between the Wendell Cross Elementary School Parent Teacher Association and Our Lady of Lebanon Church.  All physical equipment shall be disposed of in accordance with the majority vote of eligible members in attendance at the dissolution meeting.